The name of the iFrame will be use for the target when linking to information that will be embedded:
<iframe name="frameOne"></iframe>
loads when main page loads
<a href="file name" target="frameOne"></a>
loads after user interaction
The url of the document that is shown in the first iFrame
<iframe name="frameOne" src="initial content"></iframe>
srcdoc new to html5
The html code that will be displayed in the iFrames. Some tags become optional <title><body> etc. depending upon the section of the page that you are embedding
This will override src (in current browsers that can read html5)
<iframe name="frameOne" srcdoc="initial content"></iframe>
seamless new to html5
Will eliminate scrollbars content will embed seamlessly into the page
<iframe name="frameOne" srcdoc="initial content" seamless="seamless"></iframe>
sandbox new to html5
A list of permissions
At the moment only supported by Chrome and Safari ( April 2012)
<iframe name="frameOne" srcdoc="initial content" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-forms"></iframe>
Allows a form to be submitted
Allows scripts within the embedded content
Do not use with "allow-same-origin"
allow it to access html element of the original document and prevents it from running scripts.
is allowed to replace the current document.
width and height
must reflex the diminsions of the embedded content
<iframe name="frameOne" height="" width=""></iframe>
You will need to include some attributes from html4 for older browsers
iFrame Attributes html4
Use for browsers that do not use seamless
frameborder="no", or number
Use for browsers that do not read seamless
scrolling="no", yes or auto
src even when using srcdoc you will need to include src for older browsers that cannot read srcdoc