Quotation Marks - Gigantic
Before and After
To add and style quotation marks in your CSS you need to be able to use the pseudeo elements before and after.
Some of this information is a repeated from the CSS page.
q:before{ }
q:after{ }
These elements are also used in conjunction with the content property.
You also need to define the actual quotation marks. The following code with give you correct quotation marks. You do not actually type any quote marks in the html.
\201C :Opening double quotes
\201D :Closing double quotes
\2018 :Opening single quotes
\2019 :Closing single quotes
For the opening double quote mark:
q:before {
content: '\201C';
And.. for the closing double quote mark:
q:after {
content: '\201D';
Then add the font and font size. This way you can use a different font for the quote mark than you do for the rest of the text. I would never use Times New Roman for the copy but their quote marks are rather nice.
q:before {
content: '\201C';
font: Times New Roman;
font-size: 200%;
You can chose a different font from the one you are using form your copy. I have chosen Times New Roman.