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Obtaining Web Fonts

There are a number of ways that you can get licensed fonts for the web here are three:

Font Vendors


When purchasing fonts, Font Spring is a pretty good option, I have bought some fonts from them that were not very expensive.
  • Pay for the font outright. Prices vary widely some fonts are very inexpensive others very expensive.
  • Pay for theĀ  amount of Domains on which you will use the font, with some fonts the amount of domains is unlimited.
They provide
  • The License
  • Instructions for your CSS
  • Four font file formats: woff, eot, svg and tff. With some fonts you also receive the Open Face file but you are still not allowed to upload Open Face fonts to your server.

Font Hosting Service


Typekit is a web font hosting service. You link to the fonts on their server.
  • You pay for the service per year
  • The license is provided
  • They have some free trial offers
They provide different packets with various charges based on:
  • Fonts per Domain
  • Page views per month
  • The number of websites

Free Fonts and @Font-Face Generator

Font Squirrel

Font Squirrel allows you to generate web fonts from a single font but you must have a license to do this. You need to agree to the following statement:

Yes, the fonts I'm uploading are legally eligible for web embedding

Font Squirrel also has free web fonts:
They provide:
  • The License
  • Instructions for your CSS
  • Four font file formats: woff, eot, svg and tff
  • Demonstration web page