CMYK Color Model
CMYK, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, is the standard color model used in printing full-color documents. It is based on the mixing of inks, As CMYK uses four color inks for printing it is often called four color printing. Although mixing Cyan, Magenta and Yellow should produce black, the color achieved is unsatisfactory therefore black in added. CMYK is a subtractive color model which deals with how light is absorbed. As more ink is added less light is absorbed (subtracted).
Graphic designers still have to work with colors on a screen, and therefore RGB, before their work is printed. In order to be sure of the final printed color designers work with swatches.
One such swatch book is for the Pantone Color Matching System

Designers can then select the correct colors within a computer program, for example Photoshop and although they will not look exactly the same on the screen as the printed swatch they can be sure that the final printed colors will be correct.
Photoshop's Color Picker for Pantone