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Structural, Layout and More

<h1></h1> - <h6></h6> w3c


These tags are used for titles and indicate the level of importance of the title and related information. <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

Headings are very important for both 508, and SEO.

Headings are intended for a new section or subsection of the page.

The h1 element must not appear as a descendant of the address element.
<h1> - <h6> can be used in <body>
<h1> - </6> can be used in <header>  Its less likely to use lower than <h1> or <h2>
<h1> - <6> can be used i n <main> Its unlikely that you will use lower headings within the main if you are including sections and or articles.
<h1>-<6> can be used in <section>
<h1>-<6> can be used in <article>
<h1>-<6> can be used in <aside>
<h1>-<6> can be used in <nav>
<h1>-<6> can be used in <footer>
<h1>-<6> cannot be a descendent of <address>
<h1>-<6>cannot be a descendent of <p>

Whereas headings would be expected to be used in <main>, <section>, <article> and sometimes <header>  or <aside> they are less likely  to be used in <nav> or <footer>.

A few examples




















