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Structural, Layout and More

For contact details of the author not as a generic element for postal addresses
Could be author info related to an article or section.

The break cannot be self-closing

For contact details of the author not as a generic element for postal addresses
Could be author info related to an article or section.

Represents a block level break and draws a line across the enclosing element. Only has an opening tag. You never use a closing tag and it cannot be self closing.

<img src="image file name" alt="description of image for 508">
The image tag remains the same except it is no longer self closing,

Highlights text this gives a yellow background but you can style it in CSS

Remains unchanged. Specifies a paragraph

At the moment time is not supported by any of the major browsers (April 2012)
Attributes: All Global + datetime and pubdate

<time datetime="YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD">

YYYY - year
MM - month
DD - day of the month
time and separator is required between hours, minutes, seconds
Hours are based on 24 hours
T - represents time
hh - hour
mm - minutes
ss - seconds
TZD - Time Zone Designator(Z specifies Zulu, which is also know as Greenwich Mean Time)


Word break – for a line break within a word