The Best of 2012
Most but not everything was created in 2012:
Introducing HTML5 second edition
Bruce Lawson and Remy Sharp
HTML & CSS - Design Build Websites
Jon Duckett
Saul Bass - A Life in Film and Design
Jennifer Bass and Pat Kirkham
Wonderful Designs both for film and print
Infographics - The Power of Visual Storytelling
Jason Lankow, Josh Ritchie,
Ross Crooks
Design Army
Give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man about kerning and he’ll be annoyed for a lifetime.
Positive feedback makes us feel better. Negative feedback makes us become better.
WEB Articles
52 Weeks
Best Articles from A List Apart
Dashiell Hammett on the Death of Flash
Designing in the Browser
Never Use Black
Want Students to Succeed Let them Fail
And of Course Something from:
Eddie Izzard